Shipping Policy

SVB99 Store assures you to use the speedily, guarded, and most well grounded and authentic method possible for sending your products. We have tied up with reputed courier companies to ensure safe and prompt delivery of your products.

How much are the shipping charges? We provide free shipping on all items if your total order amount is Rs.5000 or more (inclusive of all). Otherwise minimum Rs.50 is charged as delivery charges according to weight.

Cash-on-Delivery is not an option at our store. Instead, we provide UPI payment services exclusively for customers in India, and this convenient payment method is widely accessible.

What is the estimated delivery time? We usually deliver in 3-4 working days

To ensure that your order is delivered on-time, please make sure of the following while entering your Shipping Address and Phone Number details: 1. Provide complete address details with House Number, Floor, Street Name and Locality along with a Landmark. 2. Enter correct City, State and Zip/Postal Code details. Orders may get misrouted if these details are incorrect. 3. Kindly make sure that Phone number (preferably mobile) is correct and reachable. We may need to call you for delivery related queries.

Please do not accept the package if it appears to have been tampered with. If a product is damaged, inform our customer service immediately at Whatsapp link on the website (Monday-Saturday, 10:00am-7:00pm) or mail us at, mentioning your order number.

Note: With every order, you will receive an email containing the details of the order placed by you. Once we ship the item(s), you will receive another email containing the shipping details.

How can I track my order details? All SVB99 Store items are delivered through reputed courier partners – who will provide you with a Tracking ID for your order by which you can track your delivery on the respective websites of our courier partners.